Rewire Your Dizziness
A comprehensive online course to aid recovery from persistent dizziness.
Welcome - how to get the most from your Rewire Programme
First Wellness Check-in. Please fill this out before going further into the course - takes 5 minutes.
The causes of persistent dizziness
Could I have neuroplastic dizziness (and what is that?)
Getting started - rehab strategies to get you moving
Eye Exercises
Your Personal Dizziness Profile
Why me? Physical Predisposing factors
Why me? Non Physical Predisposing Factors
Why me? Self assessment
Rewire Your Reactions - relate differently to your dizziness
Rehab strategies - intermediate- eye exercises and sleep
Rehab strategies- intermediate- breathing exercises
Rehab strategies- intermediate- muscle exercises
Midway Wellness Check-in
What might be keeping me dizzy? Perpetuating factors 1
What might be keeping me dizzy? Perpetuating factors 2
What's keeping me dizzy? Self assessment
Rehab strategies
Strategies to calm and regulate your nervous system
When to seek further help
Why might I be having a flare up?
Flare ups and how to manage them
Flare up self assessment